I discovered a couple years ago that for me to learn how to make a pattern properly, it might take me three times doing it to get it right. So I came up with my "assembly line" method, working on 2 or 3 at a time. In the end, I would have three completed gowns. Granted, this is only beneficial if you WANT 2 or 3 of them. I made each one as a base, then each was trimmed up differently.
I started the first one in July, 2009. It was made out of a white with a celery green multiple striped cotton. I began calling it the Celery Polonaise. I hope to have it done in time to wear to an 1870s picnic in Los Angeles on Sept 20.
Celery Polonaise
The Purple Floral Polonaise
Polkie Dot Polonaise
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