Cast: John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, Joan Allen, Gina Gershon
Genre Action.
Charlie's Rating: 2 out 5 - I have multiple problems with this movie but let's start with the length of this one. It is 138 minutes long meaning two hours and 18 minutes officially. That's too long for almost all action movies including this one. There are multiple major action scenes in the movie, but the one with 45 minutes left should have been the last one. They could have ended the exact same way, and added the final 10 minutes of the movie. My whole point is the final fight scene is way too long and it is highly uncalled for as we already had all the pieces in place. It would have been much better movie had it been 30 minutes shorter in time.
My other major issue and probably why my rating is so low is the whole premise is whacked out of this world. These men switch faces to basically become the other yet they have the same attitude. On all sorts of levels, this might be one of the dumbest plots of a movie I have watched in the last five years. I put up with a great deal of shit with "24" and "Homeland" where the plot could not be more unrealistic, but this feels like the pinnacle of CIA/terrorist ideas although I would not be surprised if this or a future administration tries it before the year 2025.
My other major issue and probably why my rating is so low is the whole premise is whacked out of this world. These men switch faces to basically become the other yet they have the same attitude. On all sorts of levels, this might be one of the dumbest plots of a movie I have watched in the last five years. I put up with a great deal of shit with "24" and "Homeland" where the plot could not be more unrealistic, but this feels like the pinnacle of CIA/terrorist ideas although I would not be surprised if this or a future administration tries it before the year 2025.
Since we are complaining the supporting cast here really hurts Travolta and Cage. There is nothing to be desired from any of them. Gershon basically recycles every cliche thing you could say in an action movie, and Allen as Travolta's wife does absolutely nothing for me. I have no idea if this movie becomes better with improved supporting roles, but it is clear the movie's budget clearly blew their load on their first two actors and big explosions.
I do see some good things from this movie. Cage and Travolta have to play two characters in this movie, and they are polar opposites. I have to think that's hard to do, and both show off great acting skills by being able to handle both roles. Furthermore, this is their element as actors. Both men are made for action movies, and it clearly shows with this film.
I do see some good things from this movie. Cage and Travolta have to play two characters in this movie, and they are polar opposites. I have to think that's hard to do, and both show off great acting skills by being able to handle both roles. Furthermore, this is their element as actors. Both men are made for action movies, and it clearly shows with this film.
IMDB: 7.3/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
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