A friend of mine, TO, reached out to me and asked if I could plug his app on the blog. Honestly, I will plug almost anything of my friends, friends of friends or anyone who really is a friend of Sportandfashion-news basically. Do I have a limit? Not really. If a male or female friend did a porn and wanted some promotion, I would probably go 'Why the hell not?' This being said if you want something promoted shoot me an email at sportandfashion-news12@gmail.com or Twitter
@Sportandfashion-news12. TO's app is called 'Best Buds App' and here I am thinking it is a buddy system like Heavyweights so you do not lose your friends at the bar. But nope, it is how to find the best deals of legalized marijuana in Colorado. It also helps you find certain strains in your area. So if you happen to visit Colorado in the coming months and you partake in the Mary Jane, I would recommend this app. Check out their
website here and their Facebook page here.
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