Remember Law & Order went on for somewhere close to 20 years. It was a great show during different parts of the two decade long run. They had spin-offs all over the place, but Law & Order: Special Victims Unit took the mantle as the most popular show due to Netflix and re-runs all the damn time on USA network. This is how I feel like The Real World right now... The original programming is Law & Order and the SVU version is The Challenge. No doubt about it. People get much more fired up for The Challenge than they do with The Real World. For those who still care about the latter, let's talk about the cast so far two episodes in....
Jenny - Through two episodes, she is probably the star of the season. Big Cat of Barstool Sports described her as 'Robin 2.0', the former cast member from The Real World: San Diego. There is a lot of Robin in Jenny. She brings a ton to the table though as a Real World cast member as well as a future Challenge competitor. She really does not have shame, and that's important in a Real World house. I also like that she does not really put up with anybody's shit. Thing that kills me about her though is how badly Real World production/makeup did her with the wrap-up stuff. The lighting is too bright and someone put too much makeup on her which does not really give her true features which is unfortunate.
Thomas - Is it Tom or Thomas? The entire house calls him Tom but everywhere else it is 'Thomas' which pisses me off. This guy is a complete square. He is your one friend who just cannot be single. He does not know how to act when he is single, and life is better when he is in a relationship. I cannot believe people expected Thomas to be going around and having sex everywhere in the South. They do not have the same standards down there so the three number is not that odd for him honestly. Also who really cares whether it is 50 or 3? Who gives a shit.
Ashley - Secret for MTV: Stop trying to make Nia happen again. When the previews ran for next week when Cory says 'Hurricane Ashley is back' it made me straight up cringe. There is only one hurricane and it is Hurricane Nia, leave it at that. Ashley is the crazy, drunk cast member without question, and what makes her great she apparently has all the money in the world. Even with that accent, she is loaded and makes snobby rich comments. It adds an element even if her comments are stunning to hear someone actually think that shit. She is a pretty good castmate.
Cory - There is not one likable guy cast member which upsets me. I always like to have one or two there that I enjoy rather than hating their guts. Cory acts like he is the best thing since the Internet was invented by Al Gore. All of this whole 'I am player' stuff is tired act at this point. He comes off like a massive tool. Would I tell him that in person? Absolutely not, he is ripped until forever. But really he does not pull off the jock role well. Also him getting jealous of Jenny dancing on girls is quite stunning. Like that's a common thing for girls to do, and he gets jealous showing his unbelievable insecurity.
Aribelle - I actually am starting to like her more and more. She is the first homosexual cast member since Frank in 2011 which is sort of incredible given today's society and how this is supposed to be living in 'the real world.' But I like how she is sort of on the edges of all the friend cliques that have formed in the household. Also she can fight with the best of em which is encouraging to see moving forward as we always see some scraps.
Jay - He reminds me of a Jersey Shore reject whom could not pump enough PEDs to be on the show. MTV needed the guido lifestyle so insert Jay, a 26-year-old DJ. I had no idea what he was doing there in the first episode, but in the second one, he acted like a 'shadow gangster' while Cory started a fight just saying things, not really doing much. All of this being said, I have no idea why Jay is here right now. He does not really bring much to the table. There is hope for him as we are still early on in the show, but I have no idea what's his future.
Jamie - I do not get this girl at all. She seems like someone who would be laid back and let things slide a bit because she sorts of act like it when she hangs around the house. Jamie acts all confrontational when Thomas is talking to girls, and the guy is harmless as it as a teddy bear. Like the last guy in the house to cheat is probably Thomas. Jamie also calling out Ashley for 'cheating' when she does not know if she met Ashley's boyfriend or not. I have no idea where she is going from here.
It should be a good season. We have fighting, sex and relationships already which is a good start. One of the biggest complaints with The Real World is how slow of a start it can get off to yet this is not the case. But a bad start is there is not much likability in the case which is a problem and will turn off viewers.
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