Houston Texans defensive end JJ Watt is one of the few that come to mind. Recently, Russell Wilson and Montee Ball are two more, and both will play an active part in the Super Bowl this Sunday where 75+ million people will hear where they went to college, the University of Wisconsin (In Wilson's case, North Carolina State too, but you get the point). It should be about the school, but currently, their former coach now at Arkansas, is trying to make it about himself versus the university.
Best of luck to these four Uncommon men next week #BeUncommon pic.twitter.com/43IhSefFaQ
— Bret Bielema (@BretBielema) January 22, 2014
This is a recruiting tactic without question, and something Bielema needs to do with National Signing Day being a mere month away with some change. Additionally, SEC more than any conference in America wants to show their recruits that their coach can get them to the National Football League versus another coach in the SEC. Frankly, it is dumb luck Bielema has four players in the Super Bowl. If New England and San Francisco were the two teams in the Super Bowl, want to guess how many former players Bielema would have in the Super Bowl? Zero.
I would be curious to hear Ball, Wilson, Chris Margos and O'Brien Schofield's thoughts on Bielema promoting these guys to a program that is not Wisconsin. These guys do not have any ties to Arkansas football. There is a complete understanding that this is 'recruiting 101', but at the same time, there is a sense of exploitation by Bielema here. Interesting enough, Bielema retweeted information about Chris Borland, a guy whom only played three years under him, not even the full four which might be even more awkward seeing as he really did shine as a 3-4 linebacker this season.
All of this being said, it is a great stage for Wisconsin Football and Bielema to a smaller degree. For the first time ever, a Wisconsin quarterback will lead a team into a Super Bowl. It is crazy to think with all the great running backs Wisconsin produced over the past two decades that Ball will be the second running back to be in a Super Bowl with Ron Dayne getting there as well his rookie season. It is always important for an university's football team to have star players in the NFL. It builds the brand more than anything else because the pitch can be 'At Wisconsin, you can be the next Russell Wilson/JJ Watt/Montee Ball.' And that's why this is so important to Madison.
For the former coach, he needs to reflect on the glory days because right now, Alex Collins is his only saving grace at Arkansas.
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