Yes, Super Bowl week is finally here. We will be sick of everything by Friday night yelling PLAY THE DAMN GAME, but it is only right to be excited about it for the first couple days. As we have done in years past, we will be numbering our Super Bowl coverage and then posting a big link dump on Saturday so you have it all at your fingertips before the big game.
Every year it seems like there is a stretch where people do nothing but talk about the weather. For us in the Midwest, it usually occurs when a big winter storm rolls in, on Monday and Tuesday of this week it was colder here than in Rome, Alaska or on the other side of the coin, when an unbearable heatwave happened in the dog days of summer. Hell even our friends in the Southeastern part of the state are dealing with unprecidented snowfall leaving major cities and states in flux. Weather is one of the main conversations about Super Bowl Sunday, and even though for the game itself, the topic is overblown, it brings up interesting points for the future.
For the game, the weather topic is much ado about nothing if it is just cold out there. 38 degrees will not really make the fan experience great, but for the game itself, people will not use 'Well if they played in the dome, this game could have been completely different.' The only way Seattle-Denver's Super Bowl gets ruined if they have torrential downpours of freezing rain. Snow is not the worst thing because flurries do not really affect the game unless we have a situation like Detroit-Philadelphia this December. Freezing rain is the only thing where this game could get affected by weather. The whole idea of it just being 'cold' is another reason why Roger Goodell might be the Honey Badger and just not care about the fans or players, just the new opportunity.
In the first two days, this Super Bowl has went swimmingly. There have not been any complaints, and while the weather is cold, no real issues where the NFL's public relations staff needs to protect the shield. There are a few cold to coldish weather stadiums that could host a Super Bowl in years to come if Goodell wants to open that door. For example, two teams playing in this one could both be hosts as both would be great venues for a Super Bowl plus great cities. Washington D.C., Philadelphia and Baltimore all throw their name in the hat when it comes to 'colder weather' Super Bowl. Charlotte is another place where the Super Bowl could look to in the coming years. Basically if New York/New Jersey moves swimmingly, it opens the door for a many different options for the big game.
NFL is likely thanking their lucky stars the game is not in Atlanta. Currently, the biggest city in Georgia is dealing with two inches of snow and ice leaving cars stranded all over the highway. People had been waiting in their cars for over 12 hours. While I am not trying to trivialize something where deaths and injuries have happen, more so a cold weather Super Bowl is not the worst thing during the week because these cities have the tools to handle bad weather. It is not Atlanta's fault whatsoever as this probably happens once every couple decades, but if this were to happen on a Super Bowl week, it would make it chaotic. Thoughts and prayers dealing with it though. Could not imagine trying to deal with snow when it is a complete rarity because it is a complete hassle even when I deal with it weekly.
I said this last year in preparation for last year's Super Bowl, but the weather gave us something else to talk about this game. Thankfully, Seattle-Denver is one of the better on paper Super Bowls of recent memory, but if this Super Bowl was a dud in terms of the teams, they would have added the weather as a main topic which the NFL has not really ever had during Super Bowl week.
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