They feel like a man or woman who cannot stay committed to one relationship. They have a significant other, but then get tempted by someone else leading them to cut off all ties with the one they were with. That is Cleveland right now. Another comparison could be a small child with zero patience. Once they are fed up with a toy, it is time to move on to another one. Cleveland is a downright dumpster fire, and while they did keep a couple people from their front office, you cannot act like this is par for the course for anyone. This is only par for mad men, and people without the knowledge of how to build organizations.
The funniest thing about this whole ordeal is Cleveland really felt like a team on the move to be a good team. Cleveland got widely criticized for dealing Trent Richardson for a first-round pick, but it appears T-Rich has only a few miles left in the tank. The media turned their criticism into praise for this Cleveland organization for a change, and Browns fans suddenly saw light starting to develop out of the tunnel. They just needed a quarterback. With a loaded draft upcoming in 2014 featuring Johnny Manziel, Blake Bortles, Teddy Bridgewater and Derek Carr, it seemed inevitable Cleveland would get their guy, and the ascend to the top would begin for a team that has not made the playoffs since 2002. Browns still needs a quarterback, but they also need stability which is not coming in the 2014 NFL season.
Are we really sure Cleveland will even keep Pettine as their head coach? At this point, you cannot really be sure the man will have a job until the NFL Draft happens. Browns owner Jimmy Haslam is like Charlie Day when he cuts the breaks off The Gang's car... 'Just fired Joe Banner and Lombardi is out too... WILDCARD BITCHES YEEE HAAAAAAW.' Pettine will probably still have a job, but it is mind blowing the Browns got rid of the guys who hired him in the first place. It makes little to zero sense. I am sure stories will come out as to why this happen, but if you are a highly touted quarterback, is Cleveland the last place you want to play football right now?
Imagine if you are Manziel. He is a smart kid, knows his market, knows his brand. Manziel realizes a team like Cleveland would hurt everything he built as a college football player. He also understands the Browns supposedly had an obsession with him. If Manziel is not drafted by Houston, it is likely Cleveland would take him with the number four pick. Are we sure Johnny Football would not pull an Eli Manning or a John Elway and simply refuse to play for the team? Given Cleveland has one of the best wide receivers in football, Josh Gordon, I doubt Manziel would flat out refuse to play for the Browns, but I would not be surprised to hear Manziel's people trying to influence another team to trade up for him. Every player including JFF knows Cleveland is a toxic wasteland right now.
Browns could end up getting two superior draft picks, Pettine ends up being a good coach and Cleveland is the playoff hunt in what will still be a weak AFC along with a weaker AFC North. If that happens, Haslam considers himself a genius, and it might spark a terrible precdence. But usually, the laughing stock does not turn it around so quickly. It takes a ton of time including smart decisions. Browns do not seem to have the time or the brains to quell the laughter.
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