First Taste: Peace - O.A.R.
Written By Unknown on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 | 6:28 AM
I guess this song has been out for a week, but I felt like talking about it thus we have new O.A.R. This is a band that I have almost their whole catalog, and I completely bowed out from them after their albatross of an album. There are certain bands that you just have to step away from when there are a group of youngsters whom think O.A.R. is still the coolest. I would probably never see them in concert again, but I will say this is a good song. They are sticking to same route that made 'Shattered' such a big hit, and odds are 'Peace' will be just as popular with the mainstream public. I have no idea if O.A.R. still registers with people my age. I am sure they do, but nowhere what it was four years ago.
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