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Sochi Viewing Guide Day 2

Written By Unknown on Friday, February 7, 2014 | 11:04 AM

I am going to do this to help the people out with their television needs with the Olympics. I will also include what will be on in the middle of the night for those whom do not really sleep very much. This is critical given it is unlike London where there is a smaller time difference than what we are dealing with here in Sochi, Russia. I do not know if we include recaps in here, but this is our beginning of our Olympic coverage for the next couple of weeks.  I might include Russia pictures of the day from different journalists because that sounds like fun.

What's on tonight?  
NBC at 7:00 pm 
Ah the opening ceremony, it could be one of the best nights on Twitter. Think about an award show, but add in xenophobia plus weird Russian and you have the perfect recipe for weird stuff happening. The picture above is what the United States team will be wearing tonight, and it can be yours for the small price of 600 dollars. If someone would like to buy their favorite blogger a Valentine's Day present, that is what I want, thank you. I will not be tweeting as I will be working, but I look forward to reading them Friday night when I am inhaling at least three Taco Bell Grilled Stuft Grillers.

Women's Hockey: USA v. Finland 2:00 am - I will not be watching this one as I need to be up at about six, but if you are coming home from the bar, this is what's on to watch. USA are the heavy favorites.

Cross-Country Skiing/Men's Speedskating 5000m 4:45 am - Not the most exciting things to watch, but if you are coming off a bender, this could be your jam to fall asleep.

Streaming on NBCOlympics 
11:30 pm - Men's Slopestyle semifinals, probably the best late night option besides women's hockey.
2:45 am - Men's Slopestyle finals, good news is this will be on primetime on Saturday night for the non-night owls out there.

Images of Sochi
I do not get political here, but Russia claimed for intercepting a phone call from the assistant Secretary of State of the United States saying 'F--- The EU' regarding what's going on in Ukraine right now. Russia is also upset at the U.S. talking negatively about Sochi and feel it is intentional. Things are getting awkwaaaaard.

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